Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Peroneus tendons

Remember that ligaments are
structures that connect bone to bone wheras tendons are structures that muscle to bone.

The peroneus tendons are often involved in inversion sprains of the ankle if they are overstretched.

The peroneus longus muscle arises from the head and lateral/superior shaft of the fibula. It follows a path down the lateral side of the leg passing behind the lateral malleolus and goes under the lateral aspect of the foot to attach on the plantar surface (bottom) of the foot on the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal. It performs ankle plantarflexion and eversion.

The peroneus brevis muscle arises from the shaft of the fibular, but more distally on the shaft than peroneus longus. It also passes down the lateral aspect of the lower leg and behind the lateral malleolus to insert on the lateral tubercle of metatarsal V. Unlike peroneus longus, it does not go under the foot. It also performs plantar flexion and eversion of the ankle.

  • http://www.dubinchiro.com/features/PDF/16ankle.pdf
  • http://www.courses.vcu.edu/DANC291-003/unit_8.htm

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